Portfolio Category: 2020

Wizard of the Great Green World: Nadide Akdeniz

Nadide Akdeniz has continued her artistic career in an uninterrupted manner since the early 1970s, and perhaps the most appropriate definition of her is “the green sorcerer of the great green world”[1]. Nadide Akdeniz constructs fairy-tale-like green landscapes that cross and intersect social, cultural, ecological, political and spiritual worlds. Her paintings display a refined sensibility,…
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MEDIUM / y o ğ u n l u k

“MEDIUM” is a site-specific installation created with multichannel lighting, audio, video and objects that transforms Kasa Galeri into a viewer-focused experience stage dealing with the relationship between art and place. Designed and built by the y o ğ u n l u k art initiative, the installation isolates Kasa Galeri’s existing memory from historicity and…
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