Portfolio Category: Past Exhibitions


Beste Erener / Mehmet Çeper Curator: Mahmut Wenda Koyuncu Beste Erener and Mehmet Çeper pass through valid, legal, legitimate language (reason, thought, naturalized and historicized design) and address the critics of two different fields but the same historical political perception. Pointing out the impossibility of creating another perception without understanding nature, without criticizing the burden…
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Nevin Aladağ, Mahmut Celayir, Cansu Çakar, İpek Duben, Dennis (Mehmet Refik) Gün, Neşe Karasipahi, Berk Kır, Murat Morova, Agnieszka Polska, Peter Robinson, Furkan Öztekin, Ayfer Tutkan and Billy Apple®  Curator: Misal Adnan Yıldız   The Weight of the World* is based on the conversations of Misal Adnan Yıldız, one of the main exhibition co-curators of the…
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Wizard of the Great Green World: Nadide Akdeniz

Nadide Akdeniz has continued her artistic career in an uninterrupted manner since the early 1970s, and perhaps the most appropriate definition of her is “the green sorcerer of the great green world”[1]. Nadide Akdeniz constructs fairy-tale-like green landscapes that cross and intersect social, cultural, ecological, political and spiritual worlds. Her paintings display a refined sensibility,…
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Semiha Berksoy / Marguerite Bornhauser / Çınar Eslek Curator: Yekhan Pınarlıgil If the body is really a shell to the self, an interface between the inner and outer worlds, or even a direct passage into the unexplored depths of the self, then maybe, all that fighting for it actually has a point. As Didier Anzieu…
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