Portfolio Category: Past Exhibitions

10 years at Kasa

Kasa Gallery of Sabanci University at Karaköy, is what its name implies. When you take the narrow stairs down to the vault, it is possible that you experience a slight claustrophobia. However, the feeling, as you enter the vault,, that you are about the share in or about to see something that no one else…
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Kasa Gallery will be showing works by three artists between dates 11.11.2009 – 01.01.2010. The exhibition Tracing includes animation, drawing and installation works by Başak Kaptan, Ceren Oykut and Nalan Yırtmaç. The artists while employing tracing, tracking and copying as methods of production, with the subjects they deal with and their approach to their subjects reveal the…
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Building Footprints – Istanbul

A great part of Osvaldo Romberg's work is dedicated to the question of architecture: for the artist, ground plans are the plastic elements of his utopic narration. Romberg, produces installations with ‘Building Footprints’ of different architectural structures, through which he creates intellectual and formal associations via visual connections. This associations break through the restricted time…
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Getting Even

Kasa Gallery is hosting works by Assaf Gruber, Lia Lapithi and Devrim Kadirbeyoğlu between dates 20 May – 27 June. In the exhibition Getting Even, curated by Işın Önol, the artists who all come from geographies struggling unending political and social conflicts, although with different artistic attitudes, investigate the political conditions of their own localities…
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