Portfolio Category: Past Exhibitions

to Naples 2

Works of artists participating in the 12th Beinnial of Young Artists from Europe and Mediterranean which will be held in Naples in September 2005, are shown at Kasa Gallery. Eight artists who were selected by a comittee from Sabanci Univetsity as the Turkish member of the biennial, exhibited their works in two successive shows at…
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alice vs. Alice

January 10th - February 27th 2005 - K2/ İzmir Adnan Yıldız, Can Özal, Ekin Saçlıoğlu, Erdağ Aksel, Gökçen Cabadan, Hale Tenger, Marius Dahl, Nermin Er, Selin Kabacaoğlu, Selim Birsel January 14th 2005 – February 19th - Kasa Galeri/ İstanbul Borga Kantürk, Elmas Deniz, Esra Okyay, Gençer Yüzer, Gökçe Süvari, Hakan Kırdar, Hayal İncedoğan, Mehmet Dere,…
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to Naples 1

Works of artists who will participate in the 12th Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and Mediterranean are shown at Kasa Gallery. The biennial will take place in Naples between 19th September – 12th October 2005. Works of eight artists who were selected by a comittee from Sabanci Univetsity as the Turkish member of the…
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Following her retrospective, "A Universe of Ceramics / 1965 - 2002", exhibited in the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts, Alev Ebüzziya's 13 blue glazed pots compiled from her own collection and other private collections are displayed in Kasa Gallery's exhibition. This exposition--organization by Haldun Dostoglu and architectural design by Nevzat Sayin--is her second single…
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